
Meet the team

Meet the 'collective'... a crew of kind collaborative humans passionate about building community for collective impact

David Wilson

David is a data analyst who loves turning numbers into actionable insights. With a strong background in statistics, he helps organizations make informed decisions based on data trends. David is always eager to learn new analytical tools and techniques. When he's not analyzing data, he enjoys playing chess and hiking.

Rob Cousins

Emily is a digital marketing specialist with expertise in SEO and content strategy. She has a talent for crafting compelling narratives that engage audiences. Emily is dedicated to helping businesses grow their online presence and often shares her insights through webinars. In her leisure time, she enjoys reading and practicing yoga.

Finn Shewell

Finn's whole thing is helping people work together - he loves supporting positive social and civic movements, building tools to foster collaboration, and developing leadership that serves the collective. Finn brings strong strategic, facilitation, and execution skills into his work and he has a knack for enabling the harmony required to achieve the best outcome. Finn's traditional background is in Marketing & Communications, with a recent focus on Product-led marketing, marketing automation, and how personalisation can increase core metrics. Finn is involved in several non-profit organisations,

Emilie Fetscher

Need zest? Meet Emilie. Deeply curious, passionately collaborative, and inspired by the people and world we live in; Emilie brings a diverse background and relentless optimism to all her endeavors. She’s worked in and out of design as an outdoor guide, a freelancer, in a boutique consultancy, as well as starting tech and non-tech businesses before taking the plunge into the large global team that is Xero. Outside of her day job she contributes to the startup ecosystem, mentoring programs for young women, and as a lurker in environmental communities. She’s also an outdoor enthusiast and lover of great dinner table conversations with old friends and new.

Freda Wells

Freda founded the Goodlife Collective in 2023. Freda's curiousity about people, behaviour and the invisible forces between things, and her tendency to daydream, doodle and empathise , have carved a winding life path around many countries, conversations and adventures.

Her university studies encompassed environmental science, psychology, neuropsyc, french, philosophy, graphic design, and music. She felt from early on, that there is more value and power in seeing our commonalities than our differences. She is a qualified yoga instructor, and considers yogis as the original psychologists;  yoga has immense power to heal and reconnect, to repair our 'illusion of separation'.  Freda's work portfolio includes communications & engagement, curating and editing The Kiwi Diary – a diary designed to share art and ideas that are good for people and planet, and overseeing Goodlife Collective.
Freda see's many global woes as social in nature, that we need to “bring heart back”. We need to better understand how our inner world constructs our outer world, and the importance of psychological safety. She is energised by being in the service of unlocking our collective potential!

Thanks to our key supporters

Thank you to the following organisations who support our kaupapa, values and mission: